Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards, 2nd ed.

All Rise’s Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards represent more than two decades of research on treatment courts, criminology, and behavioral health. The standards distill this research into actionable best practices, providing a comprehensive blueprint for operating effective treatment courts.

The latest Edition

All Rise is currently revising the Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards and plans to release a new version in March 2025.

The forthcoming edition:

  • Removes the numbering format; standards will be referred to by their titles rather than by numbers
  • Includes the newly revised standard on Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Includes the ALL NEW standard on Community Supervision
  • Temporarily omits the commentary and references, which are being revised for clarity and ease of use; revised commentary and references will be added as they become available
  • Reorders the standards as follows to better support practical implementation:
    • Target Population
    • Roles and Responsibilities of the Judge
    • Multidisciplinary Team
    • Substance Use, Mental Health, and Trauma Treatment and Recovery Management
    • Complementary Services and Recovery Capital
    • Community Supervision
    • Incentives, Sanctions, and Service Adjustments
    • Drug and Alcohol Testing
    • Program Evaluation, Monitoring, and Improvement

Future Updates

As a dynamic and evolving resource, the standards will be updated on an ongoing basis to incorporate the latest research, address emerging issues, and add new practice insights. Because they will be updated regularly, the standards will no longer be referred to by edition—instead, the cover page of the standards will indicate when they were last updated, allowing practitioners to be sure they are using the latest version.  When making updates, All Rise maintains a rigorous peer review process involving treatment court practitioners, researchers, and other subject-matter experts.