Impaired Driving Solutions

We uplift communities by delivering curated solutions to eliminate impaired driving.

Impaired Driving Solutions leads a comprehensive approach to solve one of the greatest threats to public safety in the U.S. by implementing evidence-based and promising legal and clinical interventions.

Our Priority: Saving Lives

Learn how Impaired Driving Solutions is transforming our approach to impaired driving.

lives lost as a result of impaired driving in 2021


of drivers arrested for impaired driving have a previous DWI arrest


of drivers involved in serious/fatal crashes tested positive for at least one drug


states projected to have increase in impaired driving fatalities in 2022

Our Approach

Formerly known as the National Center for DWI Courts, Impaired Driving Solutions partners with federal agencies, state highway safety offices, and leaders in the private sector to provide cutting-edge training and targeted support to communities to implement, expand, and improve impaired driving treatment court programs (i.e., DWI courts) and other interventions that provide treatment and accountability based on research-driven best practices.

We're Here to Help

Impaired Driving Solutions offers a wide variety of free resources to educate public health and public safety professionals on evidence-based best practices for working with repeat impaired drivers and identifying, assessing, and treating their substance use and mental health disorders. From customized in-person trainings and webinars to online courses and publications, if you need it, we have it.

Our Story

Impaired Driving Solutions was founded in 2007 to reduce impaired driving nationwide through a coordinated effort to promote both accountability and public health. While implementing, training, and supporting DWI courts has always been at our core, we recognize that impaired driving is a multi-faceted problem requiring a range of justice interventions.

Impaired Driving Solutions and our team of experienced faculty have experience at every intercept of the system and are building actionable solutions aimed at saving lives.