Online Courses
Treatment courts work best when practitioners are well-versed in the foundations of effective programs. Our E-Learning Center provides self-paced training courses designed to be engaging and informative to practitioners at any experience level.
Most courses offered in the All Rise E-Learning Center are free and led by renowned experts in the treatment court field. New courses are continuously being added.
Featured Courses
The Treatment Provider Training course provides foundational knowledge needed for treatment providers, particularly clinicians, working within a multidisciplinary team.
Grounded in more than 30 years of research, the best practice standards are the blueprint to create the most effective treatment court programs.
The Essential Elements of Treatment Court modules provide foundational training for new and existing treatment court team members.
These courses provide in depth education on a range of issues related to treatment including chronic pain management, legal issues, and reducing diversion of medication.
Courses are designed to provide an overview on working with veterans in treatment court and specific guidance on key issues such as mentoring.
This module educates those working in treatment courts on the fundamentals of Core Correctional Practices (CCP), a set of skills for correctional practitioners that have been shown to help the therapeutic potential of those on court supervision.
How It Works
- Click ‘Enroll Today’ to go to the All Rise Learning Management Portal
- Select a course that interests you.
- Create an account with the E-Learning Center.
- Start Learning!

Webinars on Demand
All Rise maintains a full suite of archived webinars available free anytime.