Support Federal Funding for Treatment Courts

Treatment courts, such as drug courts and veterans treatment courts, transform the justice system’s response to substance use and mental health disorders by offering an evidence-based alternative to incarceration.

Reducing Crime

The principles of treatment courts have given rise to other incarceration alternatives, diversion programs, and sentencing reforms. In this way, they are the foundation of the current justice system reform movement in the U.S.

Saving Resources

By addressing the underlying cause, treatment courts reduce crime by up to 58 percent.

Breaking Cycles

Treatment courts refer more people to treatment than any other intervention in America, and those people are more successful in recovery because they remain in treatment long enough. The average national completion rate for treatment courts is nearly 60%, approximately two-thirds higher than probation and more than twice the rate of probationers with substance use disorders.

Saving Lives

Treatment courts save lives every single day. They improve education, employment, housing, and financial stability; promote family reunification; reduce foster care placements; and increase the rate of mothers with substance use disorders delivering drug-free babies.

Leading Reform

The principles of treatment courts have given rise to other incarceration alternatives, diversion programs, and sentencing reforms. In this way, they are the foundation of the current justice system reform movement in the U.S.