Sharing Your Story With Dignity and Purpose

Stories are all around us. They have the power to deepen our understanding of the human experience, break down barriers, and advance policy. Stories of recovery are especially important, particularly recovery aided by treatment courts (adult, juvenile, family, impaired driving, tribal healing to wellness, and veterans treatment courts). These stories encourage others to seek treatment, demonstrate that recovery is possible, help improve access to treatment, and support justice innovation that better serves individuals impacted by substance use and mental health disorders.
This guide, co-authored with the National Treatment Court Alumni Association, is designed to help alumni and others in recovery determine when the time is right to share a personal story, in what ways we should present and share our story, which aspects we should disclose, and which we should keep private. Moreover, the guide will help readers:
- Understand that your story will make a difference
- Understand your audience
- Determine when you are ready to share
- Write and structure your story
- Deliver an effective, engaging speech
- Work with the media
- Identify sensitivities to consider
- Access resources to get you started, such as a sharing your story worksheet and recovery story examples
All Rise
National Treatment Court Alumni Association
Date: 2024