New Reference Guide for Defense Attorneys

New Reference Guide for Defense Attorneys
All Rise’s Treatment Court Institute is thrilled to share a new publication, “Reference Guide for Treatment Court Defense Attorneys.” This quick-reference guide is designed for defense attorneys to support effective representation of treatment court participants.
The guide consists of three sections: communication, legal considerations, and treatment. Each section highlights current best practices and legal requirements while offering questions and recommendations designed to promote arguments or mitigation in the most common areas of contention. Each section of the guide is followed by references that provide more in-depth information on that topic.
Defense Attorney Training
Research confirms that individualized training improves treatment court outcomes. Practitioner training includes opportunities to network with your colleagues, share ideas, ask questions, participate in breakout discussions by court type, and join moderated discussions on burning issues.
On September 23-26, 2025, the Treatment Court Institute will be holding in-person practitioner training for defense attorneys. The training will be held in Oklahoma City, and the Institute will apply for CLE hours for attendees.