All Rise Welcomes Mary Kay Hudson as Chief Operating Officer

A message from the CEO:
Following an exhaustive national search, I am pleased to announce that Indiana Office of Court Services Executive Director Mary Kay Hudson has accepted the position of All Rise Chief Operating Officer and will join the team in April.
Mary Kay brings to the position over 20 years of treatment court experience and a demonstrated history of driving institutional change and justice innovation.
Mary Kay began her career in probation and spent four years as the coordinator of Indiana’s Marion County Drug Court. She served as Indiana’s first state drug court coordinator and co-chaired the national drug court coordinator’s consortium. She provided critical guidance as a member of the original Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards advisory group and served on the All Rise Board of Directors from 2013-2020.
In addition to her extensive treatment court expertise, Mary Kay has worked closely with the National Institute of Corrections on Indiana’s justice reform efforts, served as a member of Indiana’s state criminal justice council, and currently serves as the national chair of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision.
Among her many accomplishments as the Executive Director of the Indiana Office of Court Services, Indiana Supreme Court, Mary Kay led state efforts to implement evidence-based pretrial release policies. Her successful leadership was grounded in her prioritization of staff professional development and a strengths-based team approach.
Most importantly, Mary Kay brings to All Rise a passion for ensuring that individuals impacted by substance use and mental health disorders have a pathway to treatment and recovery. We welcome her to the All Rise team and look forward to the many ways she will help further our mission to see treatment courts and those we serve thrive.
Carson Fox
CEO, All Rise