Juvenile Treatment Court Training and Technical Assistance

Assistance from the experts customized for your juvenile treatment court

The Treatment Court Institute has partnered with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) to provide comprehensive training and technical assistance to juvenile treatment courts, including implementation of best practices and assisting courts in building recovery capital and supports for youth and families.


With OJJDP’s TTA360, you can access statewide, individual, or virtual juvenile treatment court training. TTA360 also allows you to submit technical assistance requests to access a range of OJJDP’s providers on various juvenile justice topics.

Juvenile Treatment Provider Training

Enroll in treatment provider training to learn best practices for working with youth.

Map of Juvenile Treatment Courts

View an interactive map from the National Drug Court Resource Center.

About the Juvenile Treatment Court Project

Together, we will enhance the capacity, knowledge and skills of juvenile treatment court programs so that teams and programs can effectively deliver services and create safer and healthier communities.

This project is supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention within the Office of Justice Programs at the U.S. Department of Justice.