Impaired Driving Treatment Court Technical Assistance
Assistance from experts tailored to the unique issues facing your impaired driving treatment court program
Impaired Driving Solutions provides impaired driving treatment court technical assistance to aid programs that have attended the foundational workshop in developing and implementing improved program practices. These improved practices lead to greater program effectiveness and increase long-term participant success.
Technical assistance is tailored to fit the needs of individual court programs and can include one-on-one consultation by phone, conference calls, regional training presentations, and on-site visits by trained, expert consultants.
Available Topics
Available TA topics include:
- Client screening
- Case processing
- Alcohol and drug testing
- Incentives, sanctions, and service adjustments
- Cultural awareness
- Improved client retention
- Resumption of use prevention
- New team members
- Team member turnover
- Team building
- Strategic planning
- Program sustainability