Adolescent Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

A multi-year project for juvenile treatment courts that wish to lead the field in applying the principles of recovery capital aimed at improving operations and enhancing positive youth development.


The Adolescent Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (AROSC) project is a multi-year endeavor for juvenile treatment courts that applies the principles of recovery capital in order to strengthen practices, improve operations, and enhance positive youth development. In the final year of its current funding (with new funding anticipated), the project is seeking a small number of teams to join the current project cohort. Alongside four existing teams, the new sites will focus on implementing recovery capital-oriented practices and engage in a peer learning environment.

Selected teams will receive nine months of training and technical assistance to reenvision their operations and services from a recovery-oriented lens. Each team will be assigned a coach from All Rise or our partner, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), to serve as its primary point of contact.

Before You Express Interest

Qualifications and capacity required to receive an invitation:

  1. Be in operation for at least three (3) years
  2. Have a commitment from all core treatment court team members (at minimum, judge, prosecution, defense, court coordinator, school representative, treatment provider, and community supervision) to participate in the AROSC project
  3. Have support from administration and other decision makers to participate in the AROSC project
  4. Accept treatment court participants diagnosed with substance use disorders
  5. Have the ability to identify, describe, develop, and maintain relationships with local, youth-oriented recovery resources
  6. Be willing to engage in changing operational processes and measure outcomes using a standard recovery capital tool (provided through the AROSC project)

What’s involved:

  • Participate in a virtual project kickoff meeting/orientation
  • Complete a court self-assessment and review results with the AROSC project team
  • Host an in-person site visit with AROSC project staff to review current practices and explore practice changes to use individualized case and treatment plans to help youth build capital and to expand youth and family connections to community resources and supports
  • Conduct a comprehensive community mapping exercise with the AROSC project team
  • Engage in strategic planning with assistance from the AROSC project team
  • Build new and/or strengthen existing relationships with community groups and local agencies
  • Receive training on how to assess youth pre- and post-program to measure recovery capital by using the newly developed Recovery Capital for Adolescent Model Assessment Tool (RCAM-A) provided by All Rise
  • Implement new or refined staffing/court procedures centered on assessing and enhancing recovery capital elements and engage in discussions with the AROSC project team about the success of those efforts
  • Participate in quarterly virtual meetings with the AROSC project cohort for peer information exchange
  • Participate in an in-person AROSC all-sites meeting to be scheduled in the final quarter of the project’s current funding

Staff and Faculty

The AROSC sites will work with expert coaches, faculty, and staff to assess and build recovery capital principles and practices within their programs. Sites can expect to receive individualized training and technical assistance throughout the project period from experts in adolescent development, recovery principles, JTC best practices, mental health, and recovery high schools.

The AROSC project leads and coaches are:

  • Travis Williams, M.S., project director, juvenile training and technical assistance, Treatment Court Institute, All Rise
  • Emily Hennessey, Ph.D., associate director of biostatistics, Recovery Research Institute; associate director, National Center on Youth Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery Center for Addiction Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; assistant professor, Harvard Medical School
  • Martha-Elin Blomquist, Ph.D., senior site manager, NCJFCJ
  • Allison List, Ph.D., program director, Behavioral Health, NCJFCJ

Available Dates

Dates for training and technical assistance activities (including a virtual kickoff meeting/orientation and an in-person site visit with AROSC project staff) will be scheduled once interested teams are invited and accepted. Teams will be notified of acceptance into the project by January 1, 2025.

Interested in joining?

Click the button below to complete a brief form expressing your interest in joining the AROSC project. Have additional questions? Contact project director Travis Williams.