Journal for Advancing Justice Vol. IV: Achieving Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections to Promote Recovery

Learn about interventions such as opioid intervention courts, peer recovery specialists, post-incarceration housing, jail sanctions and HIV education.

The fourth edition of the Journal for Advancing Justice evaluates the impact of several innovative justice system strategies relying on community corrections over traditional methods. This volume details how interventions such as opioid intervention courts, peer recovery specialists, post-incarceration housing, jail sanctions and HIV education are evaluated with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes. Through a range of articles written by both researchers and practitioners, this issue provides insight and analysis to assist field professionals and scholars alike in identifying promising programs and interventions as well as areas that require further investigation to solidify them as best practices.


  • Introduction: Emerging Best Practices in Community Corrections
  • Responding to a State of Emergency: The Creation of a New Triage to Treatment Court Model to Address the Opioid Crisis
  • “To Be Part of the Fully Functional Team, There Need to Be Clear Roles”: Peer Recovery Specialists Provide Benefits to Drug Court Despite Role Challenges
  • Housing and Reentry: A Mixed-Method Evaluation of a Low-Cost Community-Based Intervention for Increasing Access to Housing Post-Incarceration
  • Examining the Impact and Timing of Jail Sanctions on Drug Court Completion
  • Drug Court Participants’ Risky Behavior and Perceptions Following an HIV Education Program

Date: 2022