The Standards 2nd Edition

Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards
Definitive guidance for treatment court practitioners
All Rise is thrilled to announce the release of the second edition of the newly renamed Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards. This much-anticipated second edition will be released in two parts: Standards I-VI are available now, and Standards VII-X will be released in 2024.
Please note the second edition is only available for digital download. Printed copies are not available.
The standards were updated by a diverse committee of treatment court practitioners, researchers, and other experts, and each revised standard was peer-reviewed by at least 15 subject-matter experts.
“No provision from the first edition of the standards has been retracted or found to be erroneous in subsequent studies.”
-Dr. Doug Marlowe, All Rise Senior Scientific Consultant
The revised standards include:
- A statement on the core principles of best practices in each area
- Provisions on observable and measurable best practice recommendations
- Expanded research commentary that addresses frequently asked questions from the field and includes practical, evidence-based guidance on how to implement these best practices in day-to-day operations
Visit our updated standards webpage to learn more about what’s changed, view a summary of Standards I-VI, and download your free copy today!