Judiciary Training on Substance Use

New Training for Judges
All Rise’s Center for Advancing Justice is please to announce that it is now accepting requests for non-treatment court judges to receive training on substance use.
In collaboration with the National Judicial College, the Center’s Judiciary Training on Substance Use offers no-cost training opportunities specifically tailored for judges who may encounter individuals with substance use disorders in judicial settings other than treatment courts. These trainings focus on the impact of substance use disorders and evidence-based judicial responses that improve outcomes for individuals in the justice system.
The curriculum translates best practices into practical, easy-to-apply judicial strategies and covers topics including the science of substance use disorder, compulsive behaviors, screening and assessment, treatment, recovery capital, the role of the judge, and more.
We encourage you to connect with your statewide judicial education administrators to ensure that this opportunity reaches those with the capacity to train non-treatment court judges. If you are aware of upcoming judicial education conferences or training events that could benefit from this content, please share the request form with the appropriate contacts.
For questions or additional information, please contact Center for Advancing Justice project director Wendy Schiller.