The Divisions of All Rise

All Rise transforms the justice system’s response to people impacted by substance use and mental health disorders through the work of our four divisions.

Over the last three decades, our training and resources have reached 800,000 public health and public safety professionals. Our work has helped expand the treatment court field to more than 4,000 treatment court programs in the United States and expand justice interventions at every stage of the system.

Treatment Court Institute

We lead training, technical assistance, and research dissemination for more than 4,000 treatment court programs.

The Institute’s expertise spans all treatment court models and ensures that treatment courts adopt and retain evidence-based practices and best practice standards.

Impaired Driving Solutions

We uplift communities by delivering curated solutions to eliminate impaired driving.

Impaired Driving Solutions leads a comprehensive approach to solve one of the greatest threats to public safety in the U.S. by implementing evidence-based and promising legal and clinical interventions.

Justice for Vets

We transform how the justice system identifies, assesses, and treats our veterans.

Justice for Vets leaves no veteran behind by providing training, technical assistance, and advocacy for veterans treatment courts and other evidence-based interventions.

Center for Advancing Justice

We advance justice system innovations to address substance use and mental health and promote recovery.

The Center for Advancing Justice serves as an incubator for emerging justice system innovations, leads strategic partnerships, and works internationally.

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