Tina Nadeau
Hon. Tina Nadeau (ret.) is an executive committee member-at-large for the All Rise Board of Directors. She was appointed to the New Hampshire Superior Court in 1996, and in 2011 she was appointed chief justice. She retired from this position in 2023 but continues to serve as a senior judge presiding over drug treatment court and conducting mediation. She is a member of the board of directors for the New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals (NEARCP), New Hampshire Harm Reduction Coalition, and the Council on Criminal Justice. Chief Justice Nadeau was the recipient of the Leadership Award from NEARCP in 2017, the Kathleen Taylor Legislator Award from the New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association in 2016, and the Marilla M. Ricker Achievement Award, presented by the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association to women in leadership positions, in 2013.
In 2006, Chief Justice Nadeau spearheaded the effort to open a drug treatment court in Rockingham County Superior Court and presided as its judge. Under her leadership, treatment courts expanded from just two to 10 across the state. She received a bachelor of arts degree in Spanish from the University of New Hampshire and her juris doctor degree from the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law.