RISE24 Call for Proposals
Want to Present at RISE24?
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 12 at 5:00 p.m. ET
All Rise will host RISE24, the world’s largest conference on addiction, mental health, and justice reform, May 22-25, 2024, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. RISE draws more than 7,000 attendees each year, bringing together leaders from all models of treatment courts, the recovery community, law enforcement, veteran service organizations, legislators, and other key stakeholders to learn the latest evidence-based practices for serving individuals with substance use and mental health disorders in the justice system.
All Rise is seeking session proposals that present best practices in service delivery, collaboration, and justice programming that enhance outcomes in treatment courts, including adult, juvenile, family, and reentry drug treatment courts, DWI courts, tribal healing to wellness courts, and veterans treatment courts. All Rise strongly encourages proposals for sessions that present research findings and their impact on practice, feature data analysis, and highlight evidence-based practice implementation.
The deadline to submit proposals is Tuesday, September 12 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Click below to learn more about the proposal criteria and submit your idea!